Thursday, October 20, 2011

super effing fragile istic

sofa- king better than yesterday.

My heart is warmer, I can feel the heat from the cold, yadda yadda.

If you have whiplash from the 27 different stories about austerity measures you hear every 2 minutes, your boyfriend wants to move to Antarctica for 6 months in March, you have to have a biopsy in a week, then go to a family wedding with no date a week after that, and your daughter needs to have her tonsils out, then you know approximately how I feel. Sometimes I let it all sink in and feel sorry for myself.

Instead sometimes I look at the good side. Protests are ways that the oppressed turn the tides and fight for their rights, which is good. My boyfriend loves me and I love him and we met while he was in Antarctica.  I am probably going to be ok, and if not at least it's caught in time. The wedding isn't about me or my dates, it's about my cousin and I need to stfu and deal. My daughter has had strep 9 times and needs to feel better and get rid of her tonsils.

Libras. Always needing balance. ALWAYS.

1 comment:

  1. You're always going to be OK, if not spectacular!

    As far as sickness goes, its always emotions that need to be satiated:
