Saturday, October 15, 2011

making things makes things easier

Holding crumbling butter, sugar, and flour in my hand was the best therapy. Making shortbread is always a delicate endeavor because it had to be just right out of the refridgerator and if you take it out before it's chilled you have it too warm, too cold and it crumbles and won't form the cookie. I got it right after a little issue with some over crumble. But it was the best I felt all day. Concentrating on that stupid crumble and how to fix it helped.
I never wanted to be a famous artist, because people that are famous for their art are usually just lucky or really lonely because they forsake all others and other things. But I love making things. And I don't even believe that making things is really always the key to art, I'm not at all a person that would say craft isn't art, or art can't be craft. But the process sure does help take my brain and put it to rest better than laying in my bed does.

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